M-F: 8am - 4pm
15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069
Mon-Thu: 8am-4pm
Fri: 8am-1pm
Phone: 908.756.0080
Address: 15 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069
N.J.S.A. 26 :3-1
Code 2-38
7 Regular Members for term of 3-years, and
2 Alternate Members for term of 2 years
Appointed by Mayor with Council consent
Bruce Ruck, President
Ending 12/31/2026
Charlene Vergilio
Ending 12/31/2024
Robert Blair Riedinger, Vice President
Ending 12/31/2025
Deepika Garg
Ending 12/31/2026
Francesca Escaleira
Ending 12/31/2025
Diane Logan
Ending 12/31/2025
Vacant, Alt. #1
Ending 12/31/2023
Kimberly Brown, Alt. #2
Ending 12/31/2024
Council Liaison: Sonia Abi-Habib
It’s never too late to quit smoking. For those who need assistance with quitting, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW!
The Board of Health is authorized to execute an agreement with Middle Brook Regional Health Commission for the provision of professional health services. Pursuant to the Borough’s code, Section 2-38.3, the Middle Brook Regional Health Commission is appointed as Health Officer and Sanitary Inspector for the Borough of Watchung.
In addition to Watchung, Middle Brook Regional Health Commission also serves: Green Brook, Warren, and Bridgewater and is located at
111 Green Brook Rd
Green Brook, NJ 08812
P: (732) 968-5151
F: (732) 968-5331
Types of Licenses
(click on Documents & Forms below to access all applications, click here for all BOH fees)
Incidental Food Handler License: means any retail establishment that sell or serve pre-packaged foods, only, that are incidental to another business.
Retail Food Establishments: means any fixed or mobile place in which food or drink is prepared, served, handled or provided for the public, with or without charge, as defined in N.J.A.C. 8:24-1.5. Under this section, there is a Mobile Food Establishment License and a Seasonal (Ice-Cream) Mobile Food Establishment License.
Record requests for HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTION RECORDS which typically may include inspections or related reports to: body art establishments, massage, bodywork or somatic therapy establishments, pumping and abandonment of septic systems, retail food establishment inspections, reports on sealing of abandoned wells or septic systems, soil permeability or percolation test inspections should be routed to Middle-Brook Regional Health Commission (MBRHC).
MBRHC is a separate public entity, contracted by the Borough to serve as its Health Officer. The Borough of Watchung intakes applications for inspections conducted by MBRHC. Intake applications are housed by the Borough of Watchung, but inspection records, including any correspondence MBRHC may have done with the applicant(s), are housed by MBRHC. Therefore, any requests for public records on the above matters should be routed to Middle-Brook Regional Health Commission.
Kevin Sumner
Health Officer
Dámaris Quiñones-Gray
Board of Health Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Colleen Lange
Email: [email protected]
Edith G. Gil
Deputy Registrar
Email: [email protected]
Sonia Abi-Habib
Council Liaison
15 Mountain Boulevard
Watchung, NJ 07069
P: (908) 756-0080, ext. 210 or 211
Safe Syringe Program –
Robert Wood Johnson Hospital